A Copyright Assignment is a document used to transfer the ownership of a copyright to another person. Copyright Assignments are most often utilized in situations where the copyright is already registered with the United States Copyright Office, and it’s best for both parties to have a memorialized record of the assignment. Often, Copyright Assignments are also used when the rights to a work are being given away so that the party receiving the rights may use that work for any purpose they desire.
This is particularly useful to the owner of a screenprinting business who uses freelance artists, or work-at-will employees. Some owners use the form for full-time and part-time artists, as well. This provides an extra layer of protection to the owner.
Copyright Assignments allow the easy transfer of the copyrighted works. They contain all the information needed to record the assignment with the United States Copyright Office if so desired by either or both of the parties. Recording the document with the U.S. Copyright Office isn’t strictly necessary, however, though it is a good way to ensure everything flows smoothly with the assignment of the copyright.
How to use this document
This form can be filled out by either the person assigning the copyright or the person receiving the copyright. The form requires the signatures of both parties, and it will need to be notarized, as well.
Applicable law
Copyright Assignments are a part of the copyright law of the United States, which is covered by a federal statute called the Copyright Act of 1976.
We are not attorneys, and this is not to be construed as legal advice, but only an option. If you feel you need competent legal help, or if you have any questions about the legalities of the copyright law, please see a Patent Attorney specializing in Copyright Law in your local area.
Also see: Copyright Indemnification Form
Product Details
Format: PDF Document, requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or compatible program.
File Size: 28 Kb
Publisher: Solutions Publishing
Sold by: ScreenprintBooks.com
Language: English
Lending: Disabled
Author: Bill Hood
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