Top USA 500 Companies

Updated July 11, 2024 In 2024, the Top USA 500 companies cumulatively included US$18.84 trillion in revenue and employed of 27 million employees. Included are the following columns: Rank Company …


ROI Spreadsheets

Knowing the costs and savings potential is important when making decisions in business. Here are three spreadsheets that every screenprinter should have. 1. ROI on Downtime – Use this spreadsheet …


Mythconceptions About White Ink

The word mythconceptions, as a play on the word misconceptions, is not in the dictionary. It was the invention of author Robert Lynn Asprin in his 1980 novel Mythconceptions. While …


Determining Ink Usage Software

While knowing precisely how much ink is needed for a job is necessary, determining the exact amount of ink has always been a problem. A specific amount must be ordered …


Top 5 Pricing Downloads – 25% Discount

With so many screenprinters having trouble maintaining margins and attempting to understand pricing, we put together our Top 5 Pricing Downloads in one package at a 25% discount. Included are …


Time-Based Revenue Opportunity

“We each have the same amount of time, but some make better use of the time they are given.” There are a great number of individuals who know that they …


Value of One Second

How to put approximately $15,418 USD per year (or more) of net margins in your pocket!


Shop Rate Calculator

To make improvements, one must know the value of time. Time is the one thing that does not change in any business. We are each given just 24 hours in …


Pricing Spreadsheet for Screenprinting

This Excel Spreadsheet Template can used to generate a price for any item by simply inserting your business expenses.
